
The following are our exclusive lot and acreage listings. If you don’t see what you want, you may search the entire area using the Property Search Page. Here you can complete a series of search parameters to help you locate the property you want. To get more information on any property contact us with the property listing number and we will provide you with an address and detailed property information.

  Asset Title/Type/Number Address Price/Contact
San Marcos
Residential or Commercial Development – 5.00 Ac.| MLS 537479 301 Rim Rock
San Marcos, TX 78666
$400,000 | Amy O’Neil
(512) 914-2332
Contact Amy
2106 Hunter Road | Repurposing – Redevelopment – 0.68 Ac., MLS 3910457 2106 Hunter Road
San Marcos, TX 78666
$650,000| John H. McCrocklin
(512) 914-7227
Contact John

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