- Slope the ground away from the foundation.
- Allow for four inches of foundation to show, including above flower beds.
- Cut tree limbs away from house.
- Wash stained siding and brick to remove discoloration or mildew.
- Clean the gutters and make repairs if necessary.
- Repair all rotted wood and paint to match.
- Remove any items (firewood, etc.) against the house or garage.
- Repair or replace damaged screens.
- Replace exposed wiring with flexible conduit.
- Install blanks in circuit breaker box where any are missing.
- Check all electrical outlets for proper wiring.
- Check firebrick in the fireplace. Seal with fireplace mortar where necessary.
- Clean the chimney.
- Clean and inspect the heater and check for holes in the heat exchanger.
- Check the air conditioner. It should cool to twenty degrees (20°) below outside temperature.
- Checking the condensing unit and clean away any debris, leaves, grass, etc.
- Test all smoke detectors.
- Toilets should be secured.
- Make sure that the tubs/showers do not leak into the wall when water is on from fixtures.
- Have all cracks in masonry repaired by a professional mason.
- Regrout any cracks in ceramic tile.
- Repair dripping faucets.