John H. McCrocklin is an active practitioner in commercial and investment real estate offering his clients more than fifty-two (52) years’ experience in the field of real estate and finance. John graduated from Texas State University in 1974 with a BBA in Real Estate where he also served as adjunct professor of Finance during 1986 and 1987 and was selected as a Charter Member of the Texas State University School of Business Advisory Council. He was awarded the 1988 and 1989 William C. Jennings Award (Commercial Transaction of the Year for the state of Texas) and is the first and only two-time recipient of the statewide award. He was runner up for the William C. Jennings Award in 1997. He is currently licensed in the State of Texas and formerly held broker licenses in the States of Arizona and California.
John has authored numerous articles: OREO’s: An Old American Favorite a New Acronym for Opportunity, Swapping Commercial/Investment Properties, Community Unites to Land Industrial Plum, Is the Government Qualified to Sell Real Estate, Slicing through the REO Red Tape, The Phoenix Plan: A Supplement to FSLIC Recapitalization (an alternative to Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, CMOs). After the submission of the Phoenix Plan to members of Congress, John was asked to act as an industry consultant to the United States House of Representatives and Senate Banking Committees during 1987-1993 on various aspects of banking legislation, including finance.
He was called as an expert witness to testify before these Congressional Committees in 1989, 1990 and 1991 on the insolvency of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Fund and disposition strategies utilized by the Resolution Trust Corporation. He assisted Public Broadcasting System’s (PBS) Frontline producer Glen Silber and correspondent, Robert Krulwich, with background information used in a revealing expose on the gross mismanagement and corruption of the government’s $700 billion bailout of the thrift industry. The broadcast, “The Great American Bailout” which aired in October of 1991, won the George Polk Award, which honors excellence in reporting. John has submitted numerous briefing reports and position papers on real estate and taxation valuation issues throughout his career to the United States Congress.
John has written several real estate courses and seminars including: “How to Turn Thrifts’ Real Estate Owned into OREO’s”; “REO Strategies & Dealing with the New Resolution Trust Corporation”, which was awarded the California Association of REALTORS® Education Award for Excellence; and most recently “Real-Time” Valuation vs. FAS 157 Fair Value, The Key to the Real Estate & Financial Market’s Stabilization.
In 1990, John was co-founder of a full-service real estate and management information company that developed the ATTACK™ software, a broad-based facilities management asset and collateral tracking software, which he sold to Lotus Development Corporation, now IBM. After serving as a fee consultant to Lotus Development Corporation and its money center banking clients for over fifteen months, John joined ASI International; a Lafayette, CA based Computer Company as director of real estate consulting.
In 1993, John was requested to assist the Paul B. Andrew Company in the management of a Receivership for the United States District Court, Northern District of California, involving real estate fraud by a San Francisco-based investment company. After successfully completing the yearlong investigation, he received a letter of commendation for his exemplary work from the General Counsel of the United States Securities Exchange Commission. “The development of his automated collateral and asset-based tracking system discovered illegal activities that had escaped the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement officials resulting in 254 federal criminal indictments.” John has also completed an extensive series of foreign commercial real estate consulting assignments for development projects in Belize, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico and the United Kingdom. John has also served as an Indefinite Demand/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) consultant to the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) in Washington, D.C., and evaluates bid proposals for the DVA’s Extended Use Lease (EUL) program.
Since 1980 John has also been active in the CCIM Institute, a commercial real estate educational affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS® which awards the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation. He was a Senior Instructor for the CCIM Institute’s core curriculum and retired from teaching as a CCIM Senior Emeritus Instructor. During his tenure John taught, Introduction to Commercial Real Estate Investment Analysis, Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate, Market Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate, and Decision Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate. John was recognized as a CCIM Life Member in 2018. He also holds the Accredited Land Consultant, ALC, designation awarded by the REALTORS® Land Institute.
During 2009, John began efforts to lobby federal officials, members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate urging the adoption of “Real-Time” Value as a replacement for Fair Value as defined by the Financial Accounting Standard Board’s Statement (FAS) 157 for use in GAAP accounting. He submitted a position paper entitled A Position Paper on America’s Financial Crisis, Determining Collateral Value & Tracking Performance: A Guide to “Real Time” Valuation & Market Stabilization to members of the United States Senate Banking Committee and select members of the United States House of Representatives Finance Committee in July 2009 outlining the need to implement “Real-Time” Value. John has also been active in promoting legislative changes under the Mortgage Market Modernization Plan that he developed jointly with Gerald Klassen, a Research Analyst at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. The Mortgage Market Modernization Plan would create a Central Mortgage Registry system nationally in order to improve the underwriting and monitoring of value of loans and mortgage backed securities in Real-Time by financial institutions and regulatory entities.
During May of 2010 John was invited to Washington by the National Association of REALTORS to give the keynote address at the National Real Estate Forum and participate as an expert panelist on the topic of Stabilizing the U.S. Mortgage Finance Delivery System moderated by Ron Insana of NBC News. In 2010 and 2011, he also participated with discussions with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Chief of Policy regarding asset valuation, examination and monitoring for the National Association of REALTORS. He continues his efforts today to ensure that America will have healthy real estate and financial markets.
During 2013 John started back into development with a focus commercial office buildings, office warehouse and residential subdivisions. During 2023 John helped found SolutionDx Inc. a diagnostics platform company, leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to provide superior Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostic solutions for everyone. SolutionDX is committed to developing more accurate rapid diagnostic tools and improving access to healthcare via remote testing and equipment-free diagnostic triage. He currently serves as the company Chief Financial Officer.