2106 Hunter Road

General Information
MLS Number MLS3306343 Price $ 675,000.00
Status Active County Hays
Address 2106 Hunter Road
San Marcos, TX 78666
Subdivision Lot 2, Prestage Subdivision
Realtor Contact: John McCrocklin
(512) 914-7227
Type of Property General Commercial – Land use chart attached
Number of Buildings One Square Footage/Ac. 0.68 Acres
Exterior Concrete Height Vacancy NA
Ceiling Height 12′ Roof Metal
Parking Spaces 10 Parking Surface Concrete
Net Income NA
Project Description
Existing five bay Thermal Jet Car Wash located on 0.68 acres zoned GC, General Commercial. Existing car wash is being displaced by tunnel washes and property needs repurposing use. Would be good for fast food/coffee drive through or lube/alignment type uses etc. Property has a 30′ cross access driveway parallel to Hunter Road to medical offices. Property comes with many pluses for repurposed use including concrete flatwork, detention pond and city water and wastewater service installed. Owner has as built plans and site plan to add value. Excellent traffic counts, 2022 TxDOT study shows 29,697 vpd on Wonder World Drive and 34,943 vpd on Hunter Road/FM 2439.
Water City of San Marcos Gas  Bubba’s Got Gas et al, skid tank
Electric San Marcos Electric Wastewater City of San Marcos
Internet Spectrum, Grande, CenturyLink    

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